Saturday 27 April 2013

Mining and minerls

The mineral and quarrying industry is more than USD 2 bn dollars and employs more than 14000 workers Has a total mineral reserve of more than 19000 Million tonnes Possesses one of the highest reserves of lignite, limestone, perlite, and clay deposits in India Has strength in non-metallic minerals, which offer the best prospects for exploitation
It is the only producer of minerals such as Agate and Chalk in the Country
Major mineral producing districts are Kutch, Junagadh, Jamnagar, Porbandar, Bhavnagar, Rajkot, Amreli, Banaskantha and Sabarkantha. Major industries-Lignite-based power plants, Bauxite-based calcinations, refractory and abrasive units, silica sand-based glass units, Bentonite-based pulverizing units, Organo-clay units, and China-clay & Fire-clay units, Fluorite based beneficiation plant, Marble and Granite Industry Government Initiatives Awarded best state in e-governance initiatives and employment category in 2008
Urban development initiatives for high quality living. Simplification of processes and single window approach for investors. International campaigns for investment promotion across sectors. Wide array of choices for tourists right from heritage monuments, archeological sites , wildlife and beaches. Favourable policy and regulatory environment. Industrial Policy 2009– for high quality socio economic development. Sectoral policies for promotion of investment and growth. Incentives under SEZ and Industrial Area Development.     A leader in encouraging private participation under public-private partnership concept.
Mineral based Industries. GMDC using world's best known and environment friendly mining technology - TAKRAF of Germany- for excavation Panandhro mines in Kutch district. GMDC has been mining bauxite in these two centres (Gadhsisa group of Mines in Kutch and Bhatia Mines in Jamnagar).Plant Grade bauxite is being marketed to refractory industries, chemical industries.Large quantity production of acid grade and metallurgical grade flourspar which are widely used for steel, chemical and metallurgy industry. Plant grade Bauxite calcined at Gadhshisha for value addition
Educational InfrastructureGujarat has the presence of some of India's top education institutes. Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) was established at Ahmedabad in 1977.
National Institute of Design (NID) – World's premier design institute.The Centre caters to the needs of ceramic industries in Gujarat and neighbouring states, manufacturing traditional ceramics such as ceramic floor and wall tiles, vitrified and porcelain tiles, sanitary ware, stone ware, table ware and decorating wares. Lalan college & Government Engineering College in Bhuj offer degree and diploma courses in Mining, respectively. Engineering college at Morbi (Rajkot) offers courses in Ceramics and Gujarat University, Ahmedabad offers degree course in Geology. MS University in Vadodara offers degree and Ph.D. courses in Geology

Tuesday 23 April 2013

ABG cement in Kutchh

Water requirement will be 3030 m3/day from desalination plant. It is proposed to install bag house to control the dust emission from cement plant. Bag filters to be installed at the transfer points to control the fugitive dust.
There will be no process effluent and solid waste generation Accepted 58 Nos of APCEs installed including GBH, ESP & Bag filters One STP out of two numbers is under operation and reusing treated water for plantation and other applications, another STP isunder construction. Cement manufacturing is dry process there will not be effluent generated. (Photos enclosed)  Special Conditions i Continuous stack monitoring facilities to monitor gaseous emission from all the stacks shall be provided. Particulate emissionshall be controlled within 50 mg/Nm3 by installing adequate air pollution control system. Viz. bag filter and stack of adequate height etc.
Data of ambient air, fugitive and stack emission shall be submittedto the Ministry’s Regional office, GPCB, and CPCB regularly 07 numbers of online emission monitors and one set of online SO2 / NOx analyzers are ordered. Our all APC equipment are designed for 40 mg/Nm3 and main stack height is around 100 m.
Monitoring data will be communicate to all relevant agencies on regular basis after commissioning of plant ii The NAAQ Standards issued by Ministry vide GSR No 826 (E) dated 16.11.2009 shall be followed.
Accepted. Iii Gaseous emission levels including secondary fugitive emission fromall the sources shall be controlled within the latest permissible limits and regularly monitored. Guideline code of practice issued by CPCB shall be followed.
Accepted Iv The company shall install adequate dust collection and extraction system to control fugitive dust emission at various transfer points, raw mill handling(unloading, conveying, transporting and stacking) vehicular movement, bagging and packing area.
All the raw material shall be covered. A closed clinker stockpile should be provided All conveyors should be covered by GI sheets. Pneumatic system shall be used for fly ash. 53 No. of auxiliary bag filters have been installed at all transfer points. Clinker will be stored in closed silo. All the conveyor belts are covered by GI sheets. Dust suppression system has been provided at Limestone and coal handling system. Pneumatic system is being provided for fly ash handling. Roads will be sweep by mechanized road sweeping machines. V All the bag filter dust,raw material, coal, clinker and cementdust from pollution control devices shall be recycled and reuse in the process and used for cement process. All the collected dust from APCE’s will be recycled in the process for manufacturing of cement. vi An effort shall be made to use high calorific hazardous wastes in the cement kiln and necessary provision shall be made. Accepted vii An effort shall be made to use low grade lime, more fly ash and sold waste in the cement manufacturing. We will utilized all required wasteup to maintain the superior grade and quality viii All the fly ash shall be utilized as per fly ash notification 1999 subsequently amendment in 2003 and 2010.
Efforts shall be made to use fly ash maximum in making Pozolona Portland Cement (PPC) Accepted ix Asphaltic / concreting of road sand water spray all around the stack yard and loading unloading areas in the cement plant shall be carried out to control fugitive emission. Regular water sprinklings shall be carried out incritical areas prone to air and having high level of RSPM such ashaul road, loading unloading points, transfer points and other vulnerable areas. It shall be ensured that the ambient air quality parameters confirm to the norms prescribed by the CPCB in this regards. The entire plant road will be asphaltic / concretedand regularly cleaned by mechanized road sweeping machine. The fugitive dust will becontrol on mines haul roads by regular water sprinklers by tankers.
Transfer points and loading unloading area will be covered by bag filters and dust suppression arrangement wherever is required. Ambient air quality will be maintained as per the CPCB norms. x Efforts shall be made to reduce impact of the transport of raw material and end product on the surrounding environment including agriculture land. All the raw material including fly ash should be transported in close containers only and shall not be overloaded. Vehicular emission to be monitor regularly. Accepted. xi Total water requirement for cement plant shall not be exceed 3030 m3/day. All the treated waste water shall be recycled in the process and/or for dust suppression and green belt and other plant related activities etc. No process wastewater shall be discharged outside the factory premises and Zero discharge shall be adopted.
One STP out of two numbers is under operation and reusing treated water for plantation and other applications, another STP is under construction. Cement manufacturing is dry process there will not be effluent generated.

AMW in Kutchh

AMW Trucks Transport solutions for now and tomorrow From heavy trucks to specialized application vehicles , AMW has constantly delivered products that increase productivity and profits for its customers.Our trucks offer dependability, low cost of operation, unsurpassed handling, panoramic visibility, high driver comfort and ease of maintenance.And much more.
 Weaim to enhance the overall efficiency and profitability of our patron's business. Tippers High-performance tipper trucks ofvarious sizes for mining, quarrying, infrastructure and construction industries. Tippers Tractors High-endurance tractor trucks of large sizes for transportation of large loads
. Tractors Haulage High-endurance trucks of small and medium tonnage for transportation on all roads. Haulage Transit Mixers Versatile and resilient transit mixers for applications in the infrastructure and construction industries. Transit Mixers Concrete Pumps High-performance trucks for the infrastructure & construction industries.
Concrete Pumps Fully Built Vehicles High-endurance fully-built vehicles for different kinds of loads including containers, bulk goods, pallets, tankers, steel coils etc.
AMW is India's third largest manufacturer of heavy commercial vehicles , having achieved a unique position in the country's transportation sector through innovative engineering and customer orientation. We arethe fastest growing truck brand in India with a volume growth ofover 100% for the last three years. Our world class trucks are manufactured at a state of the art,50,000 units per annum plantin Bhuj, Gujarat

Sanghi cement

Sanghipuram, near Motiber Village, Abdasa Taluka, Kutch District, Gujarat, - the epicenter ofCement activity now. The scenario is changing. Thanks to Sanghi Industries Ltd., which has set up the world's largest, lignite based Cement Plant of 2.6 MTPA here. The Sanghi Cement plant is fully automated with state-of-the-art technology from Fuller International, USA. In fact, the plant has revolutionized the way cement is produced and has several firsts to its credit. The company has developed world-class infrastructure facilities for captive use at the Cement Plant, viz.,

Captive Power Plant 55 MW, Captive Jetty, large Captive Desalination Plant & Road Network. "We should not only provide customer with the best products and services, but we listen to them, respond quickly to their current needs, anticipate future needs and earn their business every day. Our focus should be on quality, innovation and efficiency. We should always deliver more than expected.

Welcome to relaince industries

Jagmnagar Manufacturing Division is located near Jamnagar, Gujarat. It comprises of a petroleum refinery and associated petrochemical plants.The refinery is equipped to refine various types of crude oil (sour crude, sweet crude or a mixture of both) and manufactures various grades offuel from motor gasoline to Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF). The petrochemicals plants produces plastics and fibre intermediates. Created in a record time of less than three years, the Jamnagar Manufacturing Division would always remain a special experience for Reliance. The project is of titanic proportion and has taken, for its completion, millions of engineering man-hours spread over many international engineering offices; thousands of tonnes in equipment and material, procured from leading suppliers across the globe; highly advanced construction equipment of unbelievable sizes; construction workforce of over 75,000 working round the clock for months; a great number of innovative techniques in project execution;and project management expertise of Reliance acquired over the past several years. With a Complexity Index of 11.3 (as defined by the Nelson Complexity Index) RIL's refinery at Jamnagar is able to process heavy and sour crude oils to produce high value products. This allows the Company to benefit from the lower input cost compared to light crude oils. The Jamnagar Manufacturing Division has a 33 - million tonnes per annum refinery that is fully integrated with downstream petrochemicals units which manufacture naphtha-based aromatics as well as propylene-based polymers.
Situated on the northwest coast of India, the integrated refinery-cum petrochemicals complex is located at Motikhavdi, Lalpur Taluka, Jamnagar District, in the state of Gujarat. It is in proximity to the Gulf of Kutch, a sheltered bay close to the Middle-East crude oil sources. The location of RIL's refinery on the west coast of India supported by world-class logistics and port facilities provides the Company with freight advantages.
Most of the crude imported is transported on Very Large Crude Carriers ("VLCC").
The refinery has operated at near 100% utilization with minimal downtime, consistently out performing the average utilization rates of refineries in the Asia Pacific region, the European Union and North America, as reported by PEL Market Services, Biannual Refining Report, July 2005. With a Complexity Index of 11.3 (as defined by the Nelson Complexity Index), the refinery has achieved Gross Refining Margins ("GRMs") that are consistently higher than the benchmark Singapore complex margins. In addition to the operating efficiencies achieved by this refinery, it is also differentiated from other global refineries in terms of its ability to take advantage of the light/heavy crude price differential.
The existing refinery complex at Jamnagar has more than 50 process units, which together process the basic feedstock, crude oil, to obtain various finished products deploying the following major refining processes: Crude oil distillation (Atmospheric as well as vacuumdistillation) Catalytic cracking (Fluidised Catalytic Cracker) Catalytic reforming (Platforming) Delayed Coking Special features of the refinery complex : Reliance refinery configuration is characterized by its superior product slate as compared to that of the other refineries. Two important features in this regard are: High proportion of high-value products such as propylene and LPG (adding to over 10% on crude processed as compared to 2-3% for most other refineries) Nil production of low-value"black oils" - fuel oil (compared to 12-20% on crude processed for most other refineries) undernormal circumstances.
Process technologies: All process units of the Jamnagar Manufacturing Division are based on state of the art technologies.

Tata Motor

Tata Motors' plant for the Tata Nano at Sanand, located in the Ahmedabad district of Gujarat. The capacity of the plant, to begin with, will be 250,000 carsper year to be achieved in phases, and with some balancing is expandable up to 350,000 cars per year. Provision for further capacity expansion has also been incorporated in this location. Built in a record time of 14 months starting November 2008, the integrated facility comprises Tata Motors' own plant, spread over 725 acres, and an adjacent vendor park, spread over 375 acres, to housekey component manufacturers for the Tata Nano. In line with latest world-class manufacturing practices, the Sanand plant has been equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. They include sophisticated robotics and high speed production lines. The plant has energy-efficient motors, variable frequency drives, and systems to measure and monitor carbon levels. These are supplemented with extensive tree plantation, sustainable water sourcing through water harvesting and ground water recharging and using solar energy for illumination; all of this helps the plant to be more sustainable. In June 2010, the first Nanos made at the plant rolled out from its main manufacturing plant at North cote Cattle Farm. The construction time was a record breaking 14 months. Thecost amounted to 20 Milliard Indian Rupees (Ca. 20 Milliard Euro). During the starting period the production plant employed 2.400 staff. Including the indirect jobs around the plant there were about 10.000 people depending on the initial production. The plant has a capacity to manufacture 250,000 cars a year in the first phase, which will be scaled up to 500,000 cars a year. The project, including the main plant, vendor facilities and a railway transportation hub near Nidhrad Village, will together generate over 20,000 direct and indirect jobs. This plant uses land from Gujarat Agricultural University which was in the name of the Government of Gujarat. Sanand Land Controversy The 1100 acres of land which was allotted to Tata Motors falls in the villages of Khoda and Bol in Sanand Taluka. According to one report: Immediately after the Sanand Plant deal was sealed, Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation had notified six villages for acquisition in Sanand. Farmers initially were under the impression that the authorities would take away their land for free. In distress, about 3,000 of them protested. The government explained that it was not trying to get their land for free, declared the price of the land at Rs 1,200 per square meter (US$ 108,000 per acre), four-times better than the market price. The opposition crumbled, farmers enthusiastically cooperated with the government, and agreed to the acquisition. Post-acquisition, the locals claimone of the biggest gains to come out of the Nano project is that the environment in our village has improved drastically. The Gujarat government has placed significant efforts into preventing pollution and improving environmental quality in Sanand. It has given notice to factories, small as well as large, that emit high levels of pollution in the area to either leave or treat the pollutants. This has been well received by rural communities around Sanand. Tata Motors paid Rs 900/sqm (US$ 81,000 per acre) to the Gujarat Government for the landin Sanand. Automotive manufacturing is a globally competitive industry. For context purposes, the price paid by Tata may be compared with land prices elsewhere in the world: According to The Financial Times, in 2008, the farmland prices in France were Euro 6,000 per hectare ($2,430 per acre; IN Rs. 1,09,350 per acre).According to the United States Department of Agriculture, as ofJanuary 2010, the average farmland value in the United States was $2,140 per acre (IN Rs. 96,300 per acre). The farmland prices in the United States varied between different parts of the country, ranging between $480 per acre to$4,690 per acre.


Essar Power is one of India's leading private power producers with a 14-year operating track record. The company's power business currently has seven operational power plants in India and one operational power plant in Algoma, Canada, with a total installed generation capacity of 3,910 MW. This capacity is increasing to 6,700 MW by March 2014. Essar Energy also has access to approximately 500 mmt of coal resources across seven coal blocks in India and overseas. Essar Power — Hazira (515 MW) Commissioned in October 1997,the Essar Power-Hazira power plant is a multi-fuel (naphtha, high-speed diesel, natural gasoline liquid and/or natural gas) combined-cycle power plant located near the Essar Steel facility in Hazira, Gujarat. Essar Steel and GUVNL, the Gujarat State power utility, purchase 215 MW and 300 MW of the power, respectively. They are responsible for providing the fuel required at the power plant to generate the power. Vadinar Power — Jamnagar (120 MW) The Vadinar Power power plant,located at the Vadinar refinery complex, is one of the Vadinar refinery's captive power and steam co-generation plant. The plant is a 120 MW refinery residue-based multi-fuel, captive, co-generation plant, with capacity to generate 77 MW of power and 230 tph of steam. Essar Oil provides the fuel required at the power plant to generate the power and steam for the power plant's operations. Bhander Power — Hazira (500 MW) The Bhander Power-Hazira plant, located in Hazira, Gujarat, is a natural gas-fired combined-cycle captive power plant. The plant was commissioned in 2006 and commenced full commercial operations in October 2008. Essar Steel and other Essar Affiliated Companies are responsible for providing the natural gas required by the Bhander Power-Hazira plant, and in turn take the power generated pursuant to their PPAs with Bhander Power. Algoma Power Plant — Canada (85 MW) Essar Power (Canada) (formerly Algoma Energy LLP) owns and operates the Algoma Power Plant in Ontario, Canada. This 85MW co-generation plant was commissioned on June 13, 2009. The plant's facilities include two 375,000 pound/hour boilers and a 105 MW turbine. The power plant converts waste gases from Essar Steel, Algoma, into electricity and steam for the steelworks. And 63 MW of the power produced is sold to the Ontario Power Authority pursuant to a 20 year power purchase agreement which expires in 2029. Vadinar P1 — Gujarat (380 MW) The Vadinar P1 power plant, located at the Vadinar refinery complex, is the Vadinar refinery's second captive power plant. This plant is a 380 MW natural gas-fired combined- cycle plant. This plant was the first to be commissioned since the company's IPO in May 2010. Essar Oil provides the fuel required at the power plant to generate the power and steam for the power plant's operations. Salaya I — Gujarat (1,200 MW) The Salaya I power plant, located near Essar Oil's refinery complex at Vadinar, Jamnagar district, Gujarat, is an imported coal-fueled thermal power plantwith two 600-MW generation units. Salaya I Unit 1 (600 MW) started commercial operations from April 2012. Coal for the plant will be extracted from Essar Energy's captive coal mine in Indonesia. Vadinar P2 — Gujarat (510 MW) Vadinar P2 power plant consistsof a multi-fuel (coal, naphtha, light cycle oil, clarified slurry oil and furnace oil) co-generation power plant with 325 MW of power capacity and 900 tons per hour (tph) of steam capacity. Steam from the facility will be provided to Essar Oil's Vadinar refinery and power supplied to Essar Oil, Essar Steel and the merchant market. Fuel for Vadinar P2 will be provided by Essar Oil and Essar Steel in line with their purchase requirements. Mahan I — Madhya Pradesh (1,200 MW) The Mahan I power plant is a 1,200 MW (2x600 MW) captive coal-fired pit-head power plant located in Singrauli district, Madhya Pradesh. Mahan I Unit I began commercial operations inDecember 2012. Coal for the plant will be supplied from the Mahan captive coal block located approximately 5 km from the power plant site