Tuesday 23 April 2013

ABG cement in Kutchh

Water requirement will be 3030 m3/day from desalination plant. It is proposed to install bag house to control the dust emission from cement plant. Bag filters to be installed at the transfer points to control the fugitive dust.
There will be no process effluent and solid waste generation Accepted 58 Nos of APCEs installed including GBH, ESP & Bag filters One STP out of two numbers is under operation and reusing treated water for plantation and other applications, another STP isunder construction. Cement manufacturing is dry process there will not be effluent generated. (Photos enclosed)  Special Conditions i Continuous stack monitoring facilities to monitor gaseous emission from all the stacks shall be provided. Particulate emissionshall be controlled within 50 mg/Nm3 by installing adequate air pollution control system. Viz. bag filter and stack of adequate height etc.
Data of ambient air, fugitive and stack emission shall be submittedto the Ministry’s Regional office, GPCB, and CPCB regularly 07 numbers of online emission monitors and one set of online SO2 / NOx analyzers are ordered. Our all APC equipment are designed for 40 mg/Nm3 and main stack height is around 100 m.
Monitoring data will be communicate to all relevant agencies on regular basis after commissioning of plant ii The NAAQ Standards issued by Ministry vide GSR No 826 (E) dated 16.11.2009 shall be followed.
Accepted. Iii Gaseous emission levels including secondary fugitive emission fromall the sources shall be controlled within the latest permissible limits and regularly monitored. Guideline code of practice issued by CPCB shall be followed.
Accepted Iv The company shall install adequate dust collection and extraction system to control fugitive dust emission at various transfer points, raw mill handling(unloading, conveying, transporting and stacking) vehicular movement, bagging and packing area.
All the raw material shall be covered. A closed clinker stockpile should be provided All conveyors should be covered by GI sheets. Pneumatic system shall be used for fly ash. 53 No. of auxiliary bag filters have been installed at all transfer points. Clinker will be stored in closed silo. All the conveyor belts are covered by GI sheets. Dust suppression system has been provided at Limestone and coal handling system. Pneumatic system is being provided for fly ash handling. Roads will be sweep by mechanized road sweeping machines. V All the bag filter dust,raw material, coal, clinker and cementdust from pollution control devices shall be recycled and reuse in the process and used for cement process. All the collected dust from APCE’s will be recycled in the process for manufacturing of cement. vi An effort shall be made to use high calorific hazardous wastes in the cement kiln and necessary provision shall be made. Accepted vii An effort shall be made to use low grade lime, more fly ash and sold waste in the cement manufacturing. We will utilized all required wasteup to maintain the superior grade and quality viii All the fly ash shall be utilized as per fly ash notification 1999 subsequently amendment in 2003 and 2010.
Efforts shall be made to use fly ash maximum in making Pozolona Portland Cement (PPC) Accepted ix Asphaltic / concreting of road sand water spray all around the stack yard and loading unloading areas in the cement plant shall be carried out to control fugitive emission. Regular water sprinklings shall be carried out incritical areas prone to air and having high level of RSPM such ashaul road, loading unloading points, transfer points and other vulnerable areas. It shall be ensured that the ambient air quality parameters confirm to the norms prescribed by the CPCB in this regards. The entire plant road will be asphaltic / concretedand regularly cleaned by mechanized road sweeping machine. The fugitive dust will becontrol on mines haul roads by regular water sprinklers by tankers.
Transfer points and loading unloading area will be covered by bag filters and dust suppression arrangement wherever is required. Ambient air quality will be maintained as per the CPCB norms. x Efforts shall be made to reduce impact of the transport of raw material and end product on the surrounding environment including agriculture land. All the raw material including fly ash should be transported in close containers only and shall not be overloaded. Vehicular emission to be monitor regularly. Accepted. xi Total water requirement for cement plant shall not be exceed 3030 m3/day. All the treated waste water shall be recycled in the process and/or for dust suppression and green belt and other plant related activities etc. No process wastewater shall be discharged outside the factory premises and Zero discharge shall be adopted.
One STP out of two numbers is under operation and reusing treated water for plantation and other applications, another STP is under construction. Cement manufacturing is dry process there will not be effluent generated.

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