Tuesday 23 April 2013

Welcome to relaince industries

Jagmnagar Manufacturing Division is located near Jamnagar, Gujarat. It comprises of a petroleum refinery and associated petrochemical plants.The refinery is equipped to refine various types of crude oil (sour crude, sweet crude or a mixture of both) and manufactures various grades offuel from motor gasoline to Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF). The petrochemicals plants produces plastics and fibre intermediates. Created in a record time of less than three years, the Jamnagar Manufacturing Division would always remain a special experience for Reliance. The project is of titanic proportion and has taken, for its completion, millions of engineering man-hours spread over many international engineering offices; thousands of tonnes in equipment and material, procured from leading suppliers across the globe; highly advanced construction equipment of unbelievable sizes; construction workforce of over 75,000 working round the clock for months; a great number of innovative techniques in project execution;and project management expertise of Reliance acquired over the past several years. With a Complexity Index of 11.3 (as defined by the Nelson Complexity Index) RIL's refinery at Jamnagar is able to process heavy and sour crude oils to produce high value products. This allows the Company to benefit from the lower input cost compared to light crude oils. The Jamnagar Manufacturing Division has a 33 - million tonnes per annum refinery that is fully integrated with downstream petrochemicals units which manufacture naphtha-based aromatics as well as propylene-based polymers.
Situated on the northwest coast of India, the integrated refinery-cum petrochemicals complex is located at Motikhavdi, Lalpur Taluka, Jamnagar District, in the state of Gujarat. It is in proximity to the Gulf of Kutch, a sheltered bay close to the Middle-East crude oil sources. The location of RIL's refinery on the west coast of India supported by world-class logistics and port facilities provides the Company with freight advantages.
Most of the crude imported is transported on Very Large Crude Carriers ("VLCC").
The refinery has operated at near 100% utilization with minimal downtime, consistently out performing the average utilization rates of refineries in the Asia Pacific region, the European Union and North America, as reported by PEL Market Services, Biannual Refining Report, July 2005. With a Complexity Index of 11.3 (as defined by the Nelson Complexity Index), the refinery has achieved Gross Refining Margins ("GRMs") that are consistently higher than the benchmark Singapore complex margins. In addition to the operating efficiencies achieved by this refinery, it is also differentiated from other global refineries in terms of its ability to take advantage of the light/heavy crude price differential.
The existing refinery complex at Jamnagar has more than 50 process units, which together process the basic feedstock, crude oil, to obtain various finished products deploying the following major refining processes: Crude oil distillation (Atmospheric as well as vacuumdistillation) Catalytic cracking (Fluidised Catalytic Cracker) Catalytic reforming (Platforming) Delayed Coking Special features of the refinery complex : Reliance refinery configuration is characterized by its superior product slate as compared to that of the other refineries. Two important features in this regard are: High proportion of high-value products such as propylene and LPG (adding to over 10% on crude processed as compared to 2-3% for most other refineries) Nil production of low-value"black oils" - fuel oil (compared to 12-20% on crude processed for most other refineries) undernormal circumstances.
Process technologies: All process units of the Jamnagar Manufacturing Division are based on state of the art technologies.

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